Practice Rooms

Chetham’s has outstanding facilities including over 100 practice rooms which are open from 6am until midnight every day of the course.

In addition all of the faculty teaching rooms can be used by participants outside of the teaching schedule if free.

Many participants comment on how wonderful it is to have the freedom to practise as early as they like or indeed very late! 

Rooms are usually shared with another participant. If you meet each other when going to practice simply decide the best times for you to each use the room. With 18 hours available each day there are plenty of hours to choose from.

Participants are able to use any room they find free but if the person allocated to that particular room comes along it is necessary to vacate the room. There are no problems with everyone finding a piano as long as everyone doesn’t go straight from breakfast at 9am!

We are very fortunate to have Forsyth Music Shop onsite for the whole course, and they also provide some silent pianos for use in the Stoller Atrium.

The piano summer school is one of the highlights of my year – brought about not only by excellent organisation but by the trust and friendliness you seem to inspire in others. I would like to express my sincere thanks to you both for making it so. I look forward to seeing you next August.
Milton T