Archives: Events

Junior Piano Group Class

Oglesby Atrium

All pianists on the Junior Course start the day with a group class exploring Kodaly, singing, dalcroze and more. A wonderful opportunity to enjoy music making with new friends. This photo from last year shows the class laying down with closed eyes as they listen to a piece of music with Murray McLachlan.

Teaching session 1

The first session for individual lessons. Do pop into any of the teaching rooms to hear lessons given by the outstanding faculty. Everyone will have their own individual schedule for lessons but we have an open door policy for all sessions - an amazing opportunity to learn from observing some of the most respected teachers …

Teaching session 1 Read More »

Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ practise workshop


A great way to set up the day with tips on every aspect of piano playing from a member of the faculty. The first of a daily session for all young pianists on the Foundation Course.      

Teaching session 2

As individual lessons continue apace, take full advantage of the 'open door' policy on the summer school.  

Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ performance class


Every day Junior Foundation pianists can enjoy performing on an outstanding grand piano in front of a small and supportive audience, hosted by a member of the faculty.        

Teaching session 3

In this third teaching session relish the opportunity to 'sit in' on as many lessons as you can - observing some of the world's leading piano teachers in action! Leon McCawley

Junior Piano Group Class

Oglesby Atrium

The daily morning group class - singing, movement and more before all the individual lessons begin.