Archives: Events

Teaching session 3

The final session of the day with all members of the faculty working intensely in individual lessons with the participants. Observers always welcome.

Teaching session 1

The first lessons of the day take place with all of the outstanding faculty. Don't miss out on the opportunity to observe any lesson.

Teaching session 2

Participants take their individual lessons with members of the faculty. Observers always welcome.

Teaching session 3

The final lessons of the day take place throughout the school. Learn from observing  the outstanding faculty if you don't have a lesson yourself.

Teaching session 1

Lessons begin from 9am - do observe if you don't have a lesson scheduled. It is very rare to have so many amazing teachers all together under one roof!

Teaching session 2

Lessons continue throughout the school. Hundreds of hours of lessons happen throughout the summer school and all are open to observe.

Teaching session 3

The final lessons of the day in all rooms throughout the school.

Teaching session 1

Lessons begin in earnest from 9am. The faculty work throughout the day giving individual lessons and welcome observers.

Teaching session 2

More lessons continue on all courses, including composition, jazz, harpsichord and of course, piano.

Teaching session 3

The final lessons of the day, including workshops. Do check the daily noticeboards for information.