Archives: Events

Teaching session 2

After coffee, the faculty continue working with the participants in individual lessons. Observers are always welcome to sit in.

Teaching session 3

The final individual lessons and workshops for the day.  

Evelyn Glennie, percussion with Philip Smith, piano

Stoller Hall

Dame Evelyn Glennie is the first person in history to successfully create and sustain a full-time career as a solo percussionist, performing worldwide with the greatest orchestras, conductors and artists. She fondly recalls having played the first percussion concerto in the history of The Proms at the Albert Hall in 1992, which paved the way …

Evelyn Glennie, percussion with Philip Smith, piano Read More »

Teaching session 1

Lessons and workshops on all courses take place in the teaching rooms.

Alexander Technique

Learning the Alexander Technique gives you a fascinating tool for noticing when the tension is creeping up on you, so you can notice your reactions building and let go of the tension. It means you’re calmer and more confident in everything you do. That’s why actors and musicians use it for stage-fright, golfers use it …

Alexander Technique Read More »

Teaching session 2

Observers are always welcome to sit in on the individual lessons. Timetables for all faculty are displayed in the entrance foyer.

Teaching session 3

Final lessons and workshops for the day. Check the timetables on display for detailed information.

Video recordings

Carole Nash Hall

The first opportunity on part two for participants to make a professional film recording with leading film company Mill Media. Choose from 20, 30 or 40 minute time slots on the application form. Spaces limited.      

Skazki, Nikolai Medtner – with Dina Parakhina and friends – part one

Stoller Hall

A very rare and exciting opportunity to hear a complete performance of Medtner's Skazki. The 38 piano pieces called Skazki (which translates as "tales" or "legends" but are known as "Fairy Tales" in English at the suggestion of Medtner's wife) contain some of his most original and appealing music and are as much a core …

Skazki, Nikolai Medtner – with Dina Parakhina and friends – part one Read More »