Archives: Events

Elementary course class session

Ensemble playing with Karen Marshall. Duets, trios and whole group music workshopping. With pianos for everyone, this session aims to be a huge amount of fun whilst also building the basics of ensemble playing from balance of the parts to pulse maintenance, communicating when to come in, to phrasing together and so much more!  Karen …

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Intermediate course class session

Ensemble playing. Each day will end with a session of communal music-making, with duets, trios, one piano four hands, one piano six hands, and more allow all of the students to take part in an ensemble and learn the important skills of balance, communication, rhythmic accuracy and critical listening that are central to ensemble work. …

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Advanced course class session

Performance platform An opportunity to perform and receive constructive and encouraging feedback from Duncan. Everyone is encouraged to play and to support each other.

Young artist course class session

Daily lecture with course leader, Dr Murray McLachlan The Psychology of Performance and confidence on stage Murray  will discuss  a wide range of subjects including stage fright, inspiration, injury, short-term tactics for success and long-term development strategies. Emphasis on the importance of a positive mind-set, and a comfortable, joyful and calmly creative way of thinking …

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Young artist course class session

Evening performance Class in Carole Nash Recital Hall with Murray McLachlan A daily opportunity to perform in the stunning Carole Nash recital Hall. Everyone will receive constructive and helpful advice from Murray. The rewards of listening to each other and learning through others is of huge importance to young musicians.

Advanced course individual lessons

During this session the young pianists will have an individual lesson, practise and observe some of the outstanding faculty.    

Elementary course class session

Kodàly Musicianship, Technique Time, Music Theory, with Karen Marshall, course leader. Activities will include singing games and solfa, whole group performances of scales to different grooves and vamps and theory delivered in a musical way along with games and activities that truly entertain.

Intermediate course class session

Aural and Musicianship, technique time and theory with Sarah Murphy, course leader. Sight-singing, rhythmic exercises and multi-activity exercises (combining clapping/singing/movement) will be used to develop co-ordination and general musicianship.Scales and arpeggios will be given a fun twist by being performed in a range of different articulations, dynamics and other musical combinations, with all pianists participating …

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