Archives: Events

Teaching session 1

The first lessons of the day. Participants can choose to have individual lessons on many of the different courses and all lessons are scheduled for a personal and unique timetable.

Alexander Technique

The final opportunity to have individual or group lessons with the amazing James Crow. Participants on the course return to him every year - he is fabulous!

Teaching session 2

Lessons continue on all courses, including theory, composition, jazz, organ and of course piano!  

Teaching session 3

More lessons and workshops continue throughout the school.

Grigory Gruzman Recital

Stoller Hall

We welcome back celebrated German based Russian pianist-teacher Grigory Gruzman to perform a solo recital on the course this year. In 2019 Grigory came to Chetham's for the first time and everyone was overwhelened with his inspirational teaching and infectious enthusiasm. "On such an interpretation of Rigoletto-Paraphrase, I’ve been waiting all my life" Herbert von Karajan …

Grigory Gruzman Recital Read More »

Quiz night!

New for 2020 - quiz night in the bar! Enjoy a relaxing drink in the bar and team up with friends to take part in the summer school quiz. Musical prizes of course!

Teaching session 1

The final day on the course for individual lessons. Don't miss the opportunity to learn by observing the wonderful teachers.

Teaching session 2

More intense individual lessons continue. The group workshops are scheduled throughout the week - check the displayed timetables for more information.  

Video recordings

Carole Nash Hall

Two concert grand pianos, stunning acoustics and leading professional film company Mill Media provide the perfect setting for participants to make a professional film recording. Choose your preferred time slot on the application form - spaces limited.  

Participant recitals

Pianists have the opportunity to perform on one of the concert grand pianos in the recital rooms. Steinway, Schimmel, Bösendorfer, Yamaha and Bechstein are some of the models available. Make sure to sign up when applying online.