Teaching session 1
The day begins with all members of the faculty teaching throughout the school. Everyone will receive a daily lesson as standard.
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ practise workshop
G06The final daily 'drop -in' class for all Junior Foundation pianists on part one. Don't miss the chance to come along for some extra help on any aspect of playing. …
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ practise workshop
G06The final daily 'drop -in' class for all Junior Advanced pianists on part one. A great way to set up the day with tips on every aspect of piano playing …
Teaching session 2
Individual lessons continue apace. With so many wonderful teachers and course options everyone will be kept very busy!. The piano summer school has an 'open door' policy - so do …
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The final 'drop-in' performance class for the Foundation Junior Course on part one. Come along and perform on a beautiful piano with a supportive audience.
Teaching session 3
The third teaching session of the day. Over 100 pianos will be played during this session!
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The final performance class on part one! Don't miss this opportunity to perform in front of friends on the Advanced Junior Course. Pop in anytime you are free.
Junior Course Final Presentation Concert
Oglesby AtriumAs CIPSS part one draws to a close, we look forward to all the Junior pianists performing and being presented with a certificate of participation. Friends and family very welcome. …
Welcome meeting for Junior Piano Course
Carole Nash HallA chance to meet other young pianists on the course with course director and Head of Keyboard, Murray McLachlan. We look forward to getting to know you all over the …
Junior Piano Group Class
Oglesby AtriumThe first morning group class where singing, movement and more help to ease everyone into the day. a young pianist exploring rhythm with Murray McLachlan.