Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The final performance class on part one! Don't miss this opportunity to perform in front of friends on the Advanced Junior Course. Pop in anytime you are free.
‘Drop in’ performance class
G06The final opportunity on part one to perform in this informal setting, to an audience of supportive participants.
Drop in practise workshop
G06An open session for everyone. Come along with a bar, a chord, a section of a piece that you would like additional help with from a member of the faculty. …
Junior Piano Group Class
Oglesby AtriumThe first morning group class where singing, movement and more help to ease everyone into the day. a young pianist exploring rhythm with Murray McLachlan.
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ practise workshop
G06The first daily 'drop -in' class for all Junior Foundation pianists on part two. A great way to set up the day with tips on every aspect of piano playing …
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ practise workshop
G06Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to get helpful advice on any aspect of the best ways to practise. A great way to set up the day with tips on every …
Adult Amateur Workshop
G06The first of the daily adult amateur workshop on part two. A chance to perform a piece and receive constructive and helpful feedback. If you want help with a particular …
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ performance class
G06Part two continues with the first drop in performance class for the Junior Foundation pianists. A great opportunity to play on a beautiful grand piano in front of a small, …
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The daily opportunity to perform on a wonderful grand piano, supported by the other young pianists on the course.
‘Drop in’ performance class
G06Continuing on from the success of these 'drop-in' classes last year, we are delighted to have an open door to all pianists wanting to try out a piece in a …