‘Drop in’ performance class
G06A daily opportunity to perform and hear other pianists on the course in a very informal performance session, hosted by a member of the faculty. All welcome.
Late Night Participant recitals
Late night recitals by participants on the course - inspiration and incredibly varied repertoire guaranteed!
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The final 'drop-in' performance class for the Foundation Junior Course on part one. Come along and perform on a beautiful piano with a supportive audience.
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The final performance class on part one! Don't miss this opportunity to perform in front of friends on the Advanced Junior Course. Pop in anytime you are free.
‘Drop in’ performance class
G06The final opportunity on part one to perform in this informal setting, to an audience of supportive participants.
Participant recitals
All participants have the opportunity to perform on one of the concert grand pianos in the recital rooms. Steinway, Schimmel, Bösendorfer, Yamaha and Bechstein are some of the models available. …
Final morning participant recitals
As CIPSS part 1 draws to a close, we look forward to participant recitals throughout the school for over 2 hours. Friends and family welcome to come in and support. …
Junior Course Final Presentation Concert
Oglesby AtriumAs CIPSS part one draws to a close, we look forward to all the Junior pianists performing and being presented with a certificate of participation. Friends and family very welcome. …
Junior Foundation ‘drop in’ performance class
G06Part two continues with the first drop in performance class for the Junior Foundation pianists. A great opportunity to play on a beautiful grand piano in front of a small, …
Junior Advanced ‘drop in’ performance class
G06The daily opportunity to perform on a wonderful grand piano, supported by the other young pianists on the course.